
教授 堀口 和秀
【学部】解剖学Ⅰ Ⅱ、解剖学実習Ⅰ Ⅱ、解剖学・生理学演習
- Iino S, Horiguchi K, Horiguchi S. c-Kit-stem cell factor signal-independent development of interstitial cells of Cajal in murine small intestine. Cell Tissue Res. Jan;379(1):121-129, 2020
- Jorgensen BG, Berent RM, Ha SE, Horiguchi K, Sasse KC, Becker LS, Ro S. DNA methylation, through DNMT1, has an essential role in the development of gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells and disease. Cell Death Dis. 9(5):474, 2018
- Kaji N, Horiguchi K, Iino S, Nakayama S, Ohwada T, Otani Y, Firman, Murata T, Sanders KM, Ozaki H, Hori M. Nitric oxide-induced oxidative stress impairs pacemaker function of murine interstitial cells of Cajal during inflammation. Pharmacol Res 111:838-848, 2016
- Islam MS, Horiguchi K, Iino S, Kaji N, Mikawa S, Hori M,Ozaki. Epidermal growth factor is a critical regulator of the cytokine IL-33 in intestinal epithelial cells. Br J Pharmacol. 173(16):2532-2542, 2016
- Nakamura T, Maeda S, Horiguchi K, Maehara T, Aritake K, Choi BI, Iwakura Y, Urade Y, Murata T. PGD2 deficiency exacerbates food antigen-induced mast cell hyperplasia. Nat Commun. 6:7514, 2015
- Horiguchi S, Horiguchi K, Nojyo Y, Iino S. Downregulation of msh-like 2 (msx2) and neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 2 (ntrk2) in the developmental gut of KIT mutant mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010 Jun 4;396(3):774-779, 2010
- Horiguchi K, Yamashita N, Horiguchi S, Irie K, Masuda J, Takano-Ohmuro H, Himi T, Moriwaki Y, Okuda T, Misawa H, Ozaki H, Kawashima K. Expression of SLURP-1, an endogenous α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor allosteric ligand, in murine bronchial epithelial cells. J Neurosci Res. 87:2740-2747, 2009
- Horiguchi K, Keef KD, Ward SM. Distribution of interstitial cells of Cajal in tunica muscularis of the canine rectoanal region. Am J Physiol 284:G756-G767, 2003
- Horiguchi K, Sanders KM, Ward WM. Enteric motor neurons form synaptic-like junctions with interstitial cells of Cajal in the canine gastric antrum. Cell Tissue Res 311:299-313, 2003
- Horiguchi K, Semple GSA, Sanders KM, Ward SM. Distribution of pacemaker function through the tunica muscularis of the canine gastric antrum. J Physiol (Lond) 537(1):237-250, 2001
- Horiguchi K, Komuro T. Ultraastructural observations of fibroblast-like cells forming gap junctions in the W/Wv mouse small intestine. J Auton Nerv Syst 80:142-147, 2000
- Komuro T. Seki K, Horiguchi K. Ultrastructural characterization of the interstitial cells of Cajal. Arch Histol Cytol 62(4):295-316, 1999
- Horiguchi K, Komuro T. Ultrastructural characterization of interstitial cells of Cajal in the rat small intestine using control and Ws/Ws mutant rats. Cell Tissue Res 293:277-284, 1998
早稲田大学大学院 人間科学研究科 博士課程修了
ネバダ大学リノ校医学部 研究員
東京大学農学部 研究員
福井大学医学部 准教授
国際医療福祉大学小田原保健医療学部 教授(R4.4~)
日本解剖学会、日本顕微鏡学会、日本平滑筋学会、日本細胞組織化学会 -